Un riconoscimento che conferma l’impegno verso la sostenibilità e la responsabilità sociale d'impresa

With the new CPR Regulation (Construction Products Regulation), construction products – including cables for fixed installations – can no longer be used in buildings or civil engineering projects in Europe, if not tested and certificated according to the new regulations.
As replacement of the Construction Products Directive (CPD), published by the EC in 1989, the CPR came into force for non-cable products in July 2013.
The applicability to electric cables became operative on June 10 2016, with the publication of the EN 50575 Standard.
To enable all subjects involved comply with the new regulations, a coexistence period is envisaged, ending on July 1 2017, during which producers and importers will be able to place on the market cables that either meet or do not meet the CPR Regulation.
At the end of this period, the CE marking and the Declaration of Performance will be mandatory for all cables for constructions placed on the market, even if, at the time of writing, the role of each individual national authorities has not been defined and clarified.
Specialcavi Baldassari is making significant investments to ensure that the products that are included in the CPR Regulation application areas are compliant with the new regulations.
Our cross-functional team of research and development, production and quality is at the disposal of all our clients to help in the understanding of the CPR and adapting to the Regulations.
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