We consider the human health, environmental protection and safety at work an inescapable duty, a continuous commitment and a constant component of our mission. We therefore commit ourselves to:
1) observe, in content and in the principles, the rules of law in matters of safety and industrial hygiene applicable to activities, products and services of our production site;
2) apply voluntarily where possible additional measures deemed necessary, even in the absence of legislative obligations;
3) promote initiatives to prevent, in every activity, the occurrence of accidents, significant and non which could compromise the safety of our employees;
4) raise awareness and inform all employees and collaborators of external companies on the need to comply with safety and health standards applicable to the activities of our production site;
5) form the employees to deal with any emergencies or abnormalities.
6) pursue the continuous improvement of safety management, including identifying the risks associated with the activities carried out and the definition of targets for their reduction;
7) promote a transparent and cooperative relationship with the public, private and local community.